And today was no different. The weather was perfect–not too hot with the hint of fall in the breeze. I dropped the kids at school, which is how I have to start my day. I thrive on the chaos that leads to them making it through the doors on time ready to seize the day. Once they were delivered safely, I headed home to hook up to the boat–a task that has gotten much faster since my first attempt. Shortly after, my client (she was my guinea pig in the beginning), hairdresser and friend arrived bearing a jar of delicious muscadine jam that she made herself.
We loaded up and headed to the boat ramp. We were graced by the presence of Capt. Rouse, who is hands down the best shuttle driver going above and beyond with some of the photo and video from our day. We enjoyed a little Avett Brothers and Caamp as we made our way to the river. I backed us in like a champ with a lot less s curve along the way. We shoved in and the peacefulness and stress relief was immediate. Carving out this time is essential. We both have such busy schedules with many plates to keep spinning. On the water is a perfect time to decompress.
Not too far into the float, Kasey hooked into her first trout of the day. She really needed little direction with her cast and is now mending her line like a pro. She continued to light them up for the rest of the day, netting quite a few. We lost count, which is always a good sign.
Enjoy this little photo journal from our adventure!
From top to bottom left to right:
Pic 1: Kasey and her newest family member, Stella! When she is not on the water, you can usually find her in her shop on Main Street. I’m in love with how she decorated and furnished this amazing space!
Pic 2: Jamie insisted that we pose with the muscadine jam.
Pic 3: The drive with the always entertaining backseat driver.
Greer’s Ferry Lake is at pool and with relatively mild temps, generation should keep at a few hours per day. Please be aware of brown trout reads this fall and winter while wading the shoals. For full report go to
Have a fantastic week! We look forward to seeing you this winter – our favorite time of year!
Quick fish with my bud. He may be 11, but it doesn’t slow him down. Photo 1: River preparations. Gus is helping behind the scenes. Photo 2: Laser focus. Photo 3: Fishy kisses. He had to kiss each one. They couldn’t swim away fast enough.
Great times as always with Fayettechill! Mo and Sam joined our entire team a few weeks ago for their annual fall photo shoot. It was super to get everyone on the river together. Of course we had a lot of laughs, good fishing and also good weather (except maybe a little too bright for Samjay on day two!).
We wrapped up our time at our favorite taco place. We would go there every day if we could.
LITTLE RED RIVER: Nymphing sow bugs has been dang productive. However, I am starting to see quite a few fish chase streamers during periods of cloud coverage. The Red is getting a good blast of water every afternoon making for easy floats the next day. This should continue through the week. Will post if it changes.
WHITE RIVER: Foam is still producing. When foam slows, nymphing and streamers have been doing well. The White is starting to pull back their around the clock generation. They are pulsing it a bit around 5000 cfs.
NORFORK RIVER: Water is stained. Nymphing has been good. The Norfork has stopped generating around the clock and has recently started shutting off at night.
For full report by Capt. Rouse go to: (Please note that the White and Norfork have scaled back generation from the time that the report was originally submitted to Orvis as listed above).
Greer Ferry is still holding right at 8 feet above pool. Waters down stream are starting to stabilize from flood stage. With that we are seeing a more consistent flow out of the dam. Recently, they have started running a light 1 unit around the clock, which has been fishing pretty well! This may be a pattern that sticks around for the month of June.
Fishing is great! Greers Ferry is still holding at 8 feet above power pool. It’s looking pretty good compared to lakes to the north that are seeing much higher levels. Everything is shaping up to be a great summer, so get in on the action.