Took my little man on a dude’s overnighter this past weekend. We packed it full of our favorite things.
View video clips from fishing and disc golf HERE!
Took my little man on a dude’s overnighter this past weekend. We packed it full of our favorite things.
View video clips from fishing and disc golf HERE!
Fun fact: Dr. Kennedy delivered both of our babies. Allie was 5 weeks early and the size of a nice trout.
Fishing Report 11.14.19
Fishing conditions: good
Water level: low
Water condition: stained
Visibility: 42 inches
Water temp at midday: 52 degrees F
After these recent hard rains worms can be crazy fun. Light generation expected this week. Read full report by Jamie HERE.
Jamie teaching Olive about catch and release.
Fishing Report 8.15.19
Water flow: medium to high
Visibility: 58 inches
Water temp at midday: 55 degrees F
Water condition: clear
Tip of the week: In the bright sun check out the shade lines.
Read full Orvis fishing report by Jamie: https://www.orvis.com/fishing_report.aspx?locationid=5920
PC: @thejeffrose
Summa time, Happy 4th ! https://www.instagram.com/p/Bzf0ViehPJP/?igshid=1nvc3lz7zjdi8
Caddis! Caddis! Caddis!
Fishing Report 5.11.19
Fishing conditions: Good
Water condition: Stained
Water flow: Medium
Water temp at midday: 53 degrees F
We are seeing lots of caddis! Bump twitch caddis emergers with dry fly opportunities.
The rain amounts have been unbelievable for our area. They continue to hold water back trying to get the White River down through farm country. We should have flows all summer. This should make for some really great fishing!
For full report by Capt. Rouse go to https://www.orvis.com/fishing_report.aspx?locationid=5920
Spring Break has been a hit with brown trout, bald eagles, boat rides, disc golf and endless kick ball.
Fishing Report 3.19.19
Fishing conditions: Excellent
Flow: medium high to high
Visibility: 55 inches
Water temp at midday: 52 degrees F
Spring bugs are starting to appear. For now the corp is holding off on big generation around the clock, providing some great fishing. Read full report by Capt. Rouse: https://www.orvis.com/fishing_report.aspx?locationid=5920
Photo 1: The dads took all the kids giving the moms a chance to fish. PC: @gettingoutdoors
Photo 2: It was definitely a boatload. PC: Ryan McCarty
Photo 3: Ryan snagged a nice brown in the midst of all the chaos.
Raaaaaaainbow! @needglasses getting it done. Husband of @needglasses with the pc. https://www.instagram.com/p/BrgbmM0jint/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1lfcwifer5099
Great video from Orvis on setting up your reel all the way to the leader. Enjoy your Monday!
Drifting and wading are in the forecast…
Fishing Report 11.28.18
Conditions: good
Flow: low to medium
Visibility: 55 inches
Water temp at midday: 52 degrees F
Water condition: clear
Greer’s Ferry Lake is at pool and with relatively mild temps, generation should keep at a few hours per day. Please be aware of brown trout reads this fall and winter while wading the shoals. For full report go to https://www.orvis.com/fishing_report.aspx?locationid=5920
Have a fantastic week! We look forward to seeing you this winter – our favorite time of year!
PC @thejeffrose
Little Red Fishing Report 3.10.16
Water flow: high
Water condition: stained
Visibility: 36 inches
We are in the middle of a rain event. With daily generation portions of the river are staying pretty clear. I would imagine that eventually we are going to see more water being released. Right now, conditions are pretty dang good. Come get you some!!
Full report by Capt. Rouse:
White River. 28,500 cfs. Rouse’s Poodle.
Sending happy vibes from our team for your holiday.
Hope your Thanksgiving is the best!
Jamie, Kati, Matt, Tony, Jordan, and Chris