Arkansas Summer Fun!
Hello everyone!
Hope all is well. We have had an awesome spring. Weather and water are great. Fishing has been on point. We are ready to kick off the summer. The lake is at pool. There should be some fantastic opportunities for all skill levels. Get with Kati to get a date booked for a full, ¾, or half day. Phone or text 501.691.2252. Email
Keep up with our adventures on the blog or follow us on Instagram or Twitter (@rouseflyfish) and Facebook. If you haven’t already, check out our shop: .
Look forward to seeing you on the water!
Painting Class
The local elementary school was doing a painting class fundraiser for the Gifted and Talented program. This month’s focus was on trout, so Jamie and I were asked to be a part. We thoroughly enjoyed painting with the kids, especially one particular 8 year old! I just hung our 4 masterpieces the other day. Jamie is top left. I am top right. Little Miss is the bottom two, and I’m pretty sure she outdid her parents.
Love for the outdoors to inspire art in kids. Look forward to doing more in the future.
Happy painting,
Little Red Fishing Report 4.26.16
Water flow: low
Water condition: stained
Visibility: 36 inches
Caddis emergers on the dead drift or the swing have been producing big time. Browns are getting in on the action.
Full report by Capt. Rouse:
The World’s Best Blood Knot
Video Tuesday Tip: How to Add Distance to Your Cast - Orvis News
Tips from the Orvis Company on squeezing every last foot out of your cast. Good stuff.
Little Red Fishing Report 3.10.16
Water flow: high
Water condition: stained
Visibility: 36 inches
We are in the middle of a rain event. With daily generation portions of the river are staying pretty clear. I would imagine that eventually we are going to see more water being released. Right now, conditions are pretty dang good. Come get you some!!
Full report by Capt. Rouse:
Good Times in the Big Easy - Running, Redfish and a Black Drum
We play hard when we get a little time off…
I have been training for my third full marathon for what seems like a long time. The first two were pretty rough, and I was on the road to a nice third. However, a couple of colds and holiday travel knocked me out of getting my mileage where it needed to be. I consider myself to be pretty healthy, but no amounts of Emergen-C can keep me 100% when Little Man coughs directly into my face at close range. (We’re working on that). So, the decision was made a couple of weeks before the race to run 13.1, and I felt like a new woman. Just the thought of another full had been breaking me down.
We rolled into NOLA Saturday afternoon with about 15 minutes left for me to grab my race packet at the Expo. I was feeling pretty awesome. Did some yoga in the hotel room. We ordered room service. I have learned in the years past, that all the runners and their entourages are walking around the city looking for that great pre race meal, which for me ended up walking too much and eating two hours too late, and usually the wrong pre race meal (last year was a pork shank, which did not send me flying to the finish in record time). This year was pasta and mixed vegetables. Tofu was involved, which I blame along with nerves for the stomach issues the following morning.
As we were walking to the starting line, Jamie asked me if I was sure that I could run after the stomach deal. Of course I said yes, but the slightly dehydrated state would get me at mile 10. As always, there are too many people and definitely too many walkers in these races, so my first 3 were slower due to traffic. I was ahead of the 2 hour pacer for the first 10, and then I started cramping. I didn’t give up, but deep down I knew that I would not reach my sub 2 hour goal at this race. I still kept running, but at a slower pace. I came across the finish at 2:03. I was still pleased, since this was 34 minutes faster than my half split at last year’s full. And to make me feel slightly better, my GPS indicated that I had actually run 13.25–a nice extra .15 for all the zigging and zagging I did around all the people. I’ll take it and can’t wait to pick my next half. I’m going to hang out at this distance awhile before I run my next full. We of course, celebrated with beignets and coffee–an absolute must in New Orleans.
On to the fishing…
We met Lucas Bisset, fellow Orvis Guide with Low Tide Charters, at Penny’s Cafe for a little breakfast and lunch pick up and headed to the marsh. The saltiness in the air, no human in sight, dolphins playing in the distance was so good for the soul. My awesome husband wanted me up to bat first. He couldn’t wait for me to land a serious fish. Lucas spotted two black drum swimming at 11 o’clock from the boat. Once, I figured out where that was I cast in that direction and then saw them myself. I stripped the line and set the hook. The fight began. It was a tossup who would win. I was still feeling the remnants from my race. My arms were shaking as I reeled and then let this 30 lb beast of a fish run what seemed like over and over. Lucas was super and calm, so that the wheels didn’t come off for me from getting too excited. Capt. Rouse kept his cool, too, which I think is harder when his wife is the one landing the fish. Lucas set this slimy guy in my lap. There was no way I could hold it for the notorious grip and grin without falling over. Wow, what an amazing creature! I will admit I thought I might get a little scared meeting that large of a fish face to face. That was the most awesome experience ever to be sitting there for that brief moment before letting him swim off. And Lucas was the one to set him free. I was still sitting in the boat with my arms and legs shaking.
Jamie got to fish for a minute, too. And in his minute, he of course, landed a beautiful red fish. (She was 28 lbs, 2 lbs less than mine. Not that we’re competitive or anything.) He immediately wanted me back on the stand, hoping that I could land another, which is so awesome. A few minutes before we were about to call it, I hooked a nice red. I will have to say, I wasn’t fully recovered from the previous. I worked letting him run and reeling and almost had him to the boat. I let up too much as I was going to reel and he swam away. (I’m not really sure why I am referring to my fish as male and Jamie’s as a female. I don’t have any idea. It just sounded right).
What a perfect day the whole experience was–the outdoors, the fish, the two comedians that had me cracking up the entire time. Can’t wait to go back!
Run and fish happy!