This handsome fellow just turned 12 this month. I thought I lost him today and was in a panic. For several hours I searched for him. I drove and called his name until I was hoarse. Then hopped on my bike to access places I couldn’t with my car. Climbed fences looking and listening for any signs of him. Knocked on doors and stopped people driving by. I sent out a group email to about twenty nearby homeowners. I called the local vet offices and humane society and posted on our lost pets Facebook page. It turns out he made some new friends with guests staying in a house nearby. He was on the river fishing with them for about four hours. What a stinker! I can’t be mad at him though. He never meets a stranger, doesn’t have a mean bone in his body and is the best fishing buddy! Happy birthday old man!
Filtering by Tag: labrador
Gus always loves an afternoon swim.