Streamers have been fun following the water. Here’s to a happy New Year!
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For those of you that have fished with us over the last couple of years you are probably aware that when the Rouses are not fishing they are more than likely playing disc golf.
This past week we got to spend several days with Nate Sexton and his family. For those of you that aren’t cool enough to play disc golf, Nate Sexton is one of the greatest disc golfers in the world and is the 2017 US Disc Golf Champion. For me this was freaking awesome! The weather and generation while they were here didn’t lend itself to tons of fly fishing, but we were able to get out and get several fish during a break in some of the storms. But we had a tremendous time my family hanging with his. We got to enjoy meals, casual rounds of golf hanging playing The Sexton prototype disc golf board game. Allie actually won the round. It inspired both of our kids to create their own. This weekend Nate and fam will be in Jonesboro showing his stuff. If you have an opportunity come out and see what these guys can do, it’ll blow you away! FYI I’ll be on the bag Sunday caddying for Nate, and yes, I am super pumped!
PS: I may or may not have thrown a couple of dreaded throllers in front of Nate.